Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The German Network of Dual Career centres to help the labour and social integration of the spouse invites bizkaia talent as an international expert organization to its 13th meeting held in Hamburg


Last Thursday, 9 June, the association bizkaia talent presented its Be Basque Dual Career Centre initiative to the German Dual Career network at the 13th Meeting of the Dual Career Network Germany (DCND), organized by the University of Hamburg (Germany). This meeting was attended by officials [...]

Bizkaia talent organizes a new meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals from the area of Copenhagen  


  The Association to attract, retain and link talent to Bizkaia-Basque Country organized a meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals residing in the area of Copenhagen last 20 May. The meeting of bizkaia talent took place in the Soho–Noho Conference Centre, situated in the [...]

Bizkaia talent organises a sociocultural meeting with international high qualified professionals and their families to know the Karrantza Valley


Last Saturday, 21st May, an international group of more than 40 researchers, high qualified professionals and their families from Albania, Cheque Republic, China, Korea, Egypt, France, India, Iran, Japan, Poland, Rumania, USA , as well as Catalonia, Cádiz and Bizkaia met in the astonishing [...]

Bizkaia talent organizes the ninth Be Basque Talent Conference with highly qualified professionals and Basque companies to be held in June in Hamburg


Bizkaia talent, the non-profit association to attract, retain and link talent to the area of Bilbao – Bizkaia – Basque Country, is organizing the ninth edition of the Be Baque Talent Conference to be held on 11 June in Hamburg, where highly qualified professionals will meet with [...]

Basque GDP increases by 3.2% in the first quarter with 1.9% employment growth


The Basque Gross Domestic Product registered in the first three months of 2016 a year-on-year growth of 3.2%, which is one tenth of a percentage point more than the growth in the previous quarter, according to the data provided by EUSTAT (the Basque Institute of Statistics). From the point of [...]

Bizkaia Talent has organized a networking meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals residing in the area of Amsterdam


Bizkaia talent organized a meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals residing in the area of Amsterdam on 9 May. The meeting was held at “Spaces”, in Amsterdam, where Ivan Jimenez, the managing director of bizkaia:talent, described the current situation and the future prospects of [...]

Bizkaia talent participated in the BCF Career Event  held at Amsterdam RAI


On 10 May, bizkaia talent participated in the BCF Career Event. It is the most important Scientific Employment Fair in Europe, aimed at Life Sciences, Chemistry, Food and Pharma specialists. BCF attracts more than 2,000 visitors and provides an ideal opportunity to interact directly with talent [...]

Over a dozen highly-qualified international professionals discover the most characteristic urban spaces of Bilbao in an activity organized by bizkaia talent


Last Friday, 29 April, over a dozen highly-qualified international professionals, Relocation Service users from various countries such as  Italy, USA, Iran, Austria or India, participated in the Tourné Underground organized with Bilbao BBK Talent. The aim of these activities, regularly [...]

Great success of the Conference on the Economic Agreement “Basis of the Economic and Social Development of the Basque Country” by Pedro Luis Uriarte


Nearly two hundred participants from the seventh edition of the Talentia Programme attended last Friday, 22 April, the Conference “Basis of the Economic and Social Development” by the former Regional Minister of Economy and Finance of the Basque Government and Chairman of the Negotiating [...]

The Study Tours within the Talentia Programme get under way


During the second half of April and the month of May, study tours will be conducted at well-known Bizkaian organizations including Biocruces; Ede Fundazioa; Euskal Irratia Telebista (EiTB); Gaiker – IK4; Guggenheim Bilbao; Idom; Lamiako Eskola; Lancor (Ner Group); Lauxeta Ikastola; LKS [...]

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We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

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