Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Great success of the first TALENTIA NETWORK meeting


  The first TALENTIA NETWORK event of the year took place on Thursday, 28 January. This Network is made up of nearly 1,000 people who have participated in the six editions of bizkaia:talent’s Talentia Program. This program aims at guiding university students with the highest potential from [...]

Bizkaia talent presents the Be Basque Talent Network in Finland


The Association to attract, retain and link talent to Bilbao-Biscay-Basque Country, bizkaia talent, has presented the Be Basque Talent Network to the Basques residing in the area of Helsinki in Finland during a mission in January. A delegation of the organization, including its managing [...]

The Basque Country unveils the first full map of science & technology infrastructures:


The Basque Government’s Minister for Education, Linguistic Policy and Culture, Cristina Uriarte, together with the Deputy Minister for Universities and Research, Adolfo Morais, and the  IKERBASQUE Scientific Director, Fernando Cossío, unveiled the map of the Basque Country science & [...]

55 startups register for the first call of the MC-Biscay Boot Camp programme in order to access the programmes of the Mass Challenge accelerator in Boston with the support of the Provincial Council of Biscay


Fifty-five startups have registered for the first call of the MC-Biscay Boot Camp programme which will prepare ten young companies to access the programmes of the Mass Challenge accelerator in Boston. This programme is possible thanks to the agreement between the Provincial Council and Mass [...]

Bizkaia talent has gone on a mission in the area of Helsinki in Finland in January


The Association to attract, retain and link talent to Bilbao-Bizkaia-Basque Country, bizkaia talent, has gone on a mission in the area of Helsinki in January. A delegation of the organization, including its managing director, Ivan Jimenez, has gone to Finland to carry out a number of actions in [...]

Bizkaia has the most transparent Provincial Council in the Spanish State


  The Provincial Council of Bizkaia heads the Transparency Index of Provincial Councils INDIP 2015 together with the councils of Huelva, Palencia, Tarragona and Valladolid and has scored 100 out of 100 possible points. The INDIP is produced by Transparency International Spain to measure, [...]

Bilbao, an international reference in 3D printing projects through the #FABulous accelerator of which bizkaia:talent is a member of the managing Consortium


On 12 and 13 January more than one hundred people attended the second FABulous Community meeting held at Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao. 33 innovative business initiatives based on 3D printing manufacturing were presented and evaluated at this international meeting. FABulous, the Future Internet [...]

Bilbao will become the 3D Printing´s hub


The second FABulous Community meeting will take place the 12th and 13th January 2016 and will bring together 33 innovative business initiatives based on additive manufacturing. FABulous, the Future Internet Business Acceleration Programme for 3D Printing Services, led by the Biscay [...]

Bizkaia talent will participate for the sixth consecutive year in the MIT Boston European Career Fair in February


Bizkaia:talent wil participate on 6, 7 and 8 February in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT European Career Fair which is annually held in Boston. A gathering of more than 5,000 highly qualified candidates (European, North American and from the rest of the world) and 132 European [...]

The MC-Biscay Boot Camp programme takes off to prepare ten startups to access the Mass Challenge Startup Accelerator programmes in Boston


Following the agreement signed by the Provincial Council and Mass Challenge, the major startup accelerator in the world, to connect entrepreneurs and startups from Bizkaia with markets, networks and investors from the global innovation ecosystem, it is now time for the MC-Biscay Boot Camp [...]

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We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

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