Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Bizkaia Talent showcases its value proposition at the Nordic Place Branding Conference in Helsinki


It was the only non-Nordic European example of talent management in the panel discussion on the territorial destination of the workforce of the future. Bizkaia Talent took part in the annual Nordic Place Branding Conference (NPBC), the largest annual event in the Nordic countries dedicated to [...]

Bizkaia Talent holds its Be Basque Talent Meeting in Brussels, attended on this occasion by 30 highly qualified professionals


The event featured the participation of the Basque Energy Cluster and the recruitment consultancy Hays. On the 9th May, Bizkaia Talent sent a delegation to Brussels in order to host the fifth Be Basque Talent Meeting of the year, and the first to be held in the Belgian capital. The event, [...]

Bizkaia Talent holds a meeting to help Basque companies in the process of recruiting foreign professionals


16 Basque companies met to receive updated information, share cases and experiences, and resolve doubts. On 5 May, Bizkaia Talent organised a face-to-face session at the BIC Bizkaia incubator, located in the Bizkaia Technology Park, where it brought together some thirty representatives of [...]

Bizkaia Talent brings together around 50 professionals at the Copenhagen Be Basque Talent Meeting


The event featured the participation of the Basque energy cluster, the consulting firm LKS Next and the companies Nautilus Floating Solutions, Siemens Gamesa and Inalia. On the 27th April Bizkaia Talent carried out a new edition of the Be Basque Talent Meeting (BBTM) in Copenhagen within the [...]

Bilbao, in the top part of the “Smart City Index 2023” world ranking


Bilbao is in 27th place and is the top city in the Spanish State in the classification The International Institute for Management Development (IMD) and the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO) have presented the Smart City Index 2023, a global ranking which assesses 141 smart [...]

University students with the greatest potential in Bizkaia take part in the 4th edition of the Skillathon


102 young students assist 8 companies from the province with the development of their employer branding in order for them to attract the post-millennial generation Within the framework of the Talentia Skills excellence program, Bizkaia Talent recently carried out a new edition of the [...]

The Basque beach of La Concha, the fourth best in Europe


Mikel Arrazola The beach features in the Top 15 of the global ranking published by TripAdvisor. TripAdvisor, the world’s biggest travel guidance platform, has announced the best beaches for 2023 as part of its annual awards, with a Basque beach featuring in Europe’s top four: La [...]

Over 30 highly qualified professionals attend the Be Basque Talent Meeting held in Milan


The Basque association has carried out this meeting with the aim of attracting qualified talent to Basque companies On the 29th March Bizkaia Talent held a new Be Basque Talent Meeting in Milan with the aim of attracting highly qualified professionals and showing the way to those people who [...]

The international community makes a visit to the archaeological site in the Corazon de Maria Square in Bilbao


A group of fifteen post-graduates and highly qualified professionals and their families enjoyed a guided visit to the site On the 24th March, several users of the Relocation & Be Basque Dual Career Centre service and the post-graduates from the Be Basque Ambassadors programme took part in [...]

Bizkaia Talent launches the 2023-2024 call of the energy transition programme for highly qualified people


The programme will partially finance specialised training (Master’s degree). The amount to be received by the beneficiary will be €2,000, which in no case may exceed the cost of the enrolment fee. Bizkaia Talent has launched the Bizkaia Energy Transition 2023-2024 Programme, aimed at highly [...]

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