Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Bizkaia talent organizes a Christmas activity with highly qualified researchers and professionals to celebrate the end of the year


Last Friday, 18 December, bizkaia:talent organized an event to bid farewell to the year 2015 and share experiences with the highly qualified international researchers and professionals who are currently working in Basque organizations such as Sener, Idom, Tecnalia, University of the Basque [...]

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


2015 is coming to an end. It has been a very special year for bizkaia:talent and for all of us who are part of this exciting and fascinating project. This year, as you know, bizkaia:talent is celebrating its tenth anniversary; ten years of history in which numerous projects and services, [...]

The Be Basque Dual Career Centre promoted by bizkaia talent visits the facilities of ICAZA COLABORANDO, a member of the Network, in Bilbao


Last Monday, 30 November, as an activity within the recently-launched Be Basque Dual Career Centre, about ten international professionals visited the facilities of  ICAZA COLABORANDO S2M BILBAO, one of the members of the Network which support and are engaged in this initiative. The Be Basque [...]

Bizkaia talent gets closer to users thanks to its innovative app for  smartphones


Bizkaia talent keeps trying to get closer and connected to its users and to society in general. Thus, they have just launched an app for mobile devices which is already available on Google Store for Android and on Apple Store for iOS. This app enables the user to keep informed in English, [...]

Bizkaia:talent updates its EXTRANET with a renewed design and new functionalities


Bizkaia:talent keeps developing its tools and resources to offer a better service and to this end it has just updated its  extranet with new design and functionalities. The extranet is the control panel which users access after registering in the database through or [...]

The Basque Country combines the highest gross salary and the shortest working hours in the Spanish State with one of the highest productivity rates and household net incomes in Europe


Basque workers’ working hours were the shortest in the whole of the Spanish State and among the shortest in the OECD in 2014. The average in the Basque Country in 2014 stood at 10,534 hours worked, that is, 155 fewer hours a year than in the Spanish State. As for the OECD, the Basque Country [...]

The Competencies Programme hosts the Workshops on Career Opportunities conducted by the collaborating Professional Associations 


On 11 November, three workshops were held within the Competencies for Professionalism in Bizkaia programme aimed at second year students from the participating Basque universities. The attendants received guidance on professional deontology and on employment opportunities in the current labour [...]

Social Action Workshop within the Competencies Programme led by bizkaia:talent


A Social Action Workshop was held on 17, 18 and 19 November within the Competencies for Professionalism in Bizkaia Programme. It is an initiative led by bizkaia:talent, an organization promoted by the Economic and Territorial Development Department of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and [...]

The Basque economy gains 1,400 companies after the summer and stands at the levels of 2012


Businesses opened in the Basque Country in the last two months have generated employment for more than 24,100 people The rate of business creation speeded up in the Basque Country in September and October, bringing the negative inertia of the summer to an end and placing the number of companies [...]

 Bizkaia:talent presents the innovative Be Basque Dual Career Centre


Bizkaia:talent, the association to attract, retain and link talent to Bizkaia-Basque Country, promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, presents the innovative Be Basque Dual Centre, an initiative included in the  Location service. This Service offers personalized advice and guidance to [...]

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We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

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