Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Bizkaia:talent participates as an expert in a workshop within the international project PIPERS funded by the European Commission


On 8 July bizkaia:talent participated in a workshop which was held at the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within the international project PIPERS in Madrid. This work meeting was attended by agents involved in the development of the research career at a European level to identify good [...]

Bizkaia:talent organizes a meeting between the President of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Unai Rementeria, and Basque professionals in the area of Washington


Last Monday, 27 July, during the mission of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia to Washington, a meeting between the President of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Unai Rementeria, and highly-qualified Basque people residing in this area was held with the collaboration of bizkaia:talent. Ivan [...]

Bizkaia:talent will develop the programme Basque-American Talent & Leadership after the agreement concluded by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Pete Cenarrusa


During the mission in July to Idaho, USA, the President of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Unai Rementeria and Ivan Jimenez, the managing director of bizkaia:talent, presented the programme Basque-American Talent & Leadership Route: the leaders of tomorrow. The Provincial Council of [...]

The Inter-American Development Bank undertakes to strengthen the collaboration with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia to move forward in the internationalization of companies from Bizkaia


Maria Rodriguez de la Rua, Executive Director for Spain of the Inter-American Development Bank, has expressed to the delegation of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia headed by Imanol Pradales, Economic Development and Territorial Development Councillor, the intention to strengthen the [...]

The President of the Provincial Council oif, Unai Rementeria, presents Bizkaia as the gateway to Europe to 75 entrepreneurs from Idaho


At a work meeting in the Chamber of Commerce of Idaho, the President of the Provincial Council talked about the opportunities offered by the Territory to make investments and the specific features and advantages provided by self-government and  its having its own taxation system. Bay of Biscay [...]

The Basque Country among the most prosperous regions in Europe, according to the German Institute of Urban Affairs


A projection of the poverty risk of European regions in 2020, prepared by the German Federal Institute, forecasts one of the lowest social exclusion rates in Europe for the communities of the Basque Country and Navarre   Social and economic inequality in Europe has increased and has opened a [...]

Bizkaia:talent awards its prizes within the Eiken TALENT 2015 competition


Bizkaia:talent has awarded its two prizes to the projects ‘Hazlo por mí’ (Do it for me) by Alberto de Lucas Fuentes, Ariane Olivencia and Natalia Gonzalez, and ‘Generación Perdida’ (Lost Generation) by Victor Villamarin within the Eiken TALENT 2015 competition. The [...]

Bizkaia:talent will participate in Naturejobs Career Expo, hosted for the ninth time in London


The Association bizkaia:talent will participate for the fifth year in the ninth Naturejobs Career Expo to be held in the Business Design Centre in London on 18 September, representing Basque organizations with highly qualified  staff hiring needs. Naturejobs Career Expo is the most important [...]

The President of the Provincial Council of Biscay presents the diplomas to the participants in the sixth edition of the Talentia Programme of bizkaia:talent


Unai Rementeria pointed out that the Provincial Council of Bizkaia promoted the conclusion of 2108 internship contracts and 497 indefinite contracts for people under 30 between 2010 and 2014 and said that the Council will strengthen employment plans aimed at this groups so as to foster the [...]

The Basque Country tops once again the ranking of average expenditure per university student in 2014


The Basque Country is once again at the head in average expenditure per student in public universities since both, the Basque Autonomous Community, which tops the ranking with 9,312 Euros, as well as Navarre, in second place with 8,355 Euros, are well above the average in the state, which [...]

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