Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The Basque Country chairs the Vanguard network of the EU where the future trends of the industry are set


It takes the chair of the Vanguard Network, which comprises the 20 leading European Union regions in industrial policies. The Basque Country will be informed of industrial developments and thus be able to detect new market niches in advance. Representatives of the Department of Economic [...]

Good reception for the first Internationalization Conference by the participants in the Talentia Programme 2014-2015


Last Thursday, 9 July, bizkaia:talent organized the first Internationalization Conference “For Smart Mobility” within the Talentia Programme 2014-2015. The event, which took place in the Ria de Bilbao Maritime Museum, was attended by over 150 people including participants in the Talentia [...]

High qualified Personnel knows the Centre of Biodiversity of the Basque Country in Urdaibai


On Saturday, 4th July, a group of more than 25 professional, such as researchers, professors and their families from Canada, England, France, Guatemala,  Ireland, Italy, India, Iran, Japan, Liechtenstein, Philippines, USA and staff from bizkaia:talent and Bilbao BBK Talent Programme went to the [...]

Bizkaia:talent organizes the first Internationalization Conference within the Talentia Programme


With the slogan “For smart mobility”, bizkaia:talent is organizing an Internationalization Conference within the sixth edition of the  Talentia programme. The event, which will be held on Thursday, 9 July, at 10 a.m. in the Ria de Bilbao Maritime Museum, will be attended by more than 150 people [...]

Bizkaia:talent, as a member of the European Consortium which manages the FABulous accelerator, participates in the 3D Printing FABulous Community Meeting


Bizkaia:talent, as a member of the European Consortium which manages the FABulous accelerator,  has participated in the organization of the 3D Printing Community Meeting held in Bizkaia Aretoa (Bilbao) on 1st and 2nd July with the participation of around 200 people. During two days, a selection [...]

Bizkaia:talent shares out €900,000 in financial aid for taking on research personnel with joint funding by the European Commission  


These grants are making it possible to take on, train and involve 25 highly-skilled professionals in 11 Bizkaian organizations active in innovative sectors. Up to the present, Bizkaia Provincial Government has invested around €8 million for recruiting new talent. With this investment, to date [...]

Ivan Jimenez, director of bizkaia:talent, has attended together with a Basque delegation the IGCN 2015 of the University of Technology of Nagaoka in Japan


Las week bizkaia:talent was a guest at the IGCN 2015 Conference in Nagaoka, Japan, organized by the University of Technology of that city. Ivan Jimenez, managing director of bizkaia:talent, travelled with a Basque delegation to that region to meet top representatives from that university and [...]

Bizkaia:talent with the collaboration of Bilbao Metropoli 30 carried out a Professionalism Workshop within the Talentia Programme


Last Friday, 12 June, bizkaia:talent with the collaboration of Bilbao Metropoli 30 carried out in the Provincial Library of Bizkaia the professionalism workshop of the sixth edition of the Talentia Programme. The professionalism workshop was attended by 22 students from the three Basque [...]

Bizkaia:talent has been invited to the IGCN 2015 Conference in Nagaoka, Japan


Bizkaia:talent has been invited by the University of Technology of Nagaoka, Japan, to attend the IGCN 2015 Conference. Ivan Jimenez, managing director of bizkaia:talent, will travel to the Japanese city of Nagaoka to meet top representatives from the University of Technology of Nagaoka in Japan [...]

The Basque Country will return next year to the GDP before the crisis, according to a report from BBVA


The financial entity BBVA expects the growth of the Basque economy to accelerate this year, with a 2.7% GDP increase. This dynamism would continue in 2016, with this growth going up to 3%, and would leave the Basque GDP at a level above that at the beginning of the crisis in 2008. Rafael [...]

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