Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Bizkaia:talent signs a collaboration agreement with LEA ARTIBAI IKASTETXEA – LEARTIKER to promote the Technology Entrepreneurship Program (The Ultimate Talent Experience)


Bizkaia:talent has signed a collaboration agreement with Lea Artibai Ikastetxea-Leartiker to promote the TEP project, which is supported by companies of the Mondragon Corporation, Renault Consulting and Azaro Fundazioa. It is a project which intends to improve the employability of 180 highly [...]

The aeronautics sector will hold two international Fairs in the next weeks: AEROTRENDS in Bilbao and “LE BOURGET” in Paris


The aerospace industrial sector will hold two fairs of international renown in the next weeks. The first, Aerotrends, will be held in Bizkaia in May, and a month later Le Bourget, in Paris. AEROTRENDS, Aerospace Business Meetings & New Trends Conferences, the fair promoted by the HEGAN [...]

bizkaia:talent extends the application period for financial aid for research, with funding of €900,000 co-financed by the European Comission


Bizkaia:talent extended the application period for the financial aid that it provides through the Programme for Research, totalling €900,000, which can be applied for up until 15th May 2015 at 11:00. Bizkaia:talent, an agency of the Economic Promotion Department of Bizkaia Provincial [...]

Bizkaia:talent enters into an agreement to support the Eiken TALENT project of the Eiken-Basque audiovisual cluster  


Bizkaia:talent has entered into a collaboration agreement with Eiken-Basque, the audiovisual association of the Basque Country. It is a professional non-profit association comprising the main companies in the Basque audiovisual sector. By entering into this agreement, bizkaia:talent has agreed [...]

The Basque aeronautical industry grows and creates employment in the Basque Country in 2014


The Basque aeronautical industry created employment in the Basque Country in 2014 as the workforce of the Basque plants of the companies in the Hegan cluster grew by 4.4%. The Basque aircraft construction industry increased their sales as well as their staff last year, as the crisis started to [...]

Bizkaia:talent organises a seminar about un the “HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH” Logo (EURAXESS RIGHTS)


Bizkaia:talent has organised a seminar to know the importance of the mobility policies, the roles and services of  both bizkaia:talent and Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) within the EURAXESS network, and to present the successful practical case of  Institute IMDEA Water in [...]

The Provincial Council of Bizkaia presents its Employment Plan 2015 which expects to help create 2,225 jobs


The Employment Plan for 2015 of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia prioritizes the promotion of quality employment for young people, employment for the long-term unemployed and self-employment. This plan has a budget of 19,270,000 Euros, which will be distributed between the promotion of [...]

Visit organized by bizkaia:talent to the cellar txakoli Butroi of foreign researchers and professionals working in the Basque Country within their social integration activities talent


Last  Saturday 18th April, 27 professionals (researchers, professors) and their families from Australia, Germany, Guatemala, Italy, India, Iran, Japan, Portugal, Sweden, USA,  Spain and even some locals enjoyed a typical Spring day in  Gatika. In this occasion, they visited the familiar and [...]

The University of Deusto joined the Global University Project on sustainable technologies promoted by the Japanese Nagaoka University in collaboration with bizkaia: talent and BC3


The agreement has been possible thanks to the work carried out by the  BC3 team, led by the Ikerbasque professor and Ramon y Cajal researcher  Sergio Henrique Faria, with the collaboration of bizkaia:talent, the association promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia to attract, retain and [...]

Basque firms beat their own record for high-technology exports in 2014


Last year Basque firms sold abroad more products of high technological value than ever, according to the data of the Basque Statistics Institute, Eustat. Deals with a value of €10,324 million were closed, topping pre-recession figures by 1,660 million. Technology sales as a proportion of the [...]

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