Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Tenth anniversary of bizkaia:talent in the Euskalduna Palace

2015/02/10 Palacio Euskalduna

The celebration of the tenth anniversary of bizkaia:talent took place yesterday, Monday 9 February. Throughout these ten years, the Association promoted by the Department of Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia has carried out and generated numerous initiatives and projects [...]

bizkaia:talent signs the Campaign for Youth Employment Decade 2013-2016


The International Campaign for Youth Employment Decade 2013-2016 is an initiative of the civil society with an objective to generate an international movement of reflection, thought, debate and action, that provides ideas, content and solutions for the unemployment situation or the situation of [...]

“10 Years of successful operation of the EURAXESS Network. What comes next?


“10 Years of successful operation of the EURAXESS Network. What comes next? International Event in Athens- Greece. 17th December 2014 Within this framework, an International Event: “10 years of successful operation of the EURAXESS Network. What comes next?” was carried out in Athens the 17th [...]

The Provincial Council and the MIT bring together 200 entrepreneurs at an event with 16 international new business creation experts

2015/01/23 Bilbao

The Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have brought together 200 entrepreneurs at the Euskalduna Conference Centre and Concert Hall within the framework of an event with 16 international experts in the creation of new business. This event was [...]

Bizkaia:talent will participate in the MIT European Career Fair in February


Bizkaia:talent will participate in February in the MIT European Career Fair, which is annually held in Boston. A gathering of more than 5,000 highly qualified candidates (from Europe, North America and the rest of the world) and 132 European companies and organizations which need to take on [...]

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year!


In the year 2014, which is about to end, at bizkaia:talent we have carried out numerous projects and initiatives in order to achieve our aim of  attracting, retaining and linking talent to our territory, Bizkaia-Basque Country. We are aware of the need to have highly-qualified people in our [...]

Bizkaia:talent and the programme Bilbao BBK Talent organize a social event for the international scientific community


A few weeks before the end of the year bizkaia:talent and the programme Bilbao BBK Talent organized a social event on Friday, December 12, for the international scientific community to gather now that special dates such as Christmas and the New Year are approaching. The meeting place was the [...]

Bizkaia:talent enters into 8 Talentia collaboration agreements with companies from the creative fashion, audiovisual and product design sectors


The “creative industries” are becoming an increasingly important part of knowledge-based post-industrial economies: in some European countries they already make up 10% of GDP, and they are growing at a much faster rate than Europe’s economy as a whole. bizkaia:talent, as part of its [...]

Students from the three Basque universities participate in the Emotional Intelligence Workshop of the Competencies Programme


On Wednesday, December 10, the students who are taking part in the Pilot Programme “Competencies for Professionalism in Bizkaia”, a pioneering Programme in the State led by bizkaia:talent and coordinated by the Association Bilbao Metropoli 30 with the collaboration of BasquePro (Association of [...]

FABulous: Call for Experts Now Open


Registration at EMS Platform is continuously open. In order to be considered as eligible candidate for the evaluation of proposals to be submitted under FABulous Open Call 1, experts should complete their registration before December 17, 2014. All experts registered before the deadline of [...]

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We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

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