Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The International Dimension of Research and Mobility Programmes


Bizkaia:talent met up with researchers, project managers and experts in funding opportunities for mobility in an International Conference hold in the Paraninfo Building, University of Zaragoza, last Friday 28th November, where different programmes and options for mobility were discussed from [...]

5.4 Million Euros funding available to develop applications and web services in the 3D printing domain


FABulous Acceleration Programme launches the first Open Call in search of 100 ideas based on 3D Printing most likely to become web business. Bizkaia:talent is part of the consortium of organizations managing this international project. FABulous, the Future Internet Business Acceleration [...]

bizkaia:talent has signed co-working agreements


Bizkaia:talent has signed co-working agreements with the following clusters: GAIA in the video games sector and EIKEN in the audio-visual sector; and the associations EIDE in the design field and Bizkaiko Moda Bizkaia (BMB) in the fashion sector, to assist young persons who have participated in [...]

bizkaia:talent’s Managing Director, Ivan Jimenez, presents the results of the analysis of the need for talent in Euskadi


By 2020, the population aged 65 and over is set to increase by 10% and this variation will have doubled by about 2025. Qualifications such as nursing and others of a technical and business nature are the ones that are most difficult to source on the labour market, either because there are too [...]

Visit to “LOIZAGA TOWER (13th c.) & POBAL FOUNDRY (16th c.): 2 treasures of our History”


On Saturday 8 November, 24 professionals (researchers, professors) and their families from Chile, Colombia, United States, India, England, Italy, Rumania, Turkey, Extremadura and even some local ones enjoyed an autumn day in the area of Encartaciones. First, they visited the Ironworks of El [...]

Forum XXI – Presentation of the Association Connectia


Round Table: “The Industrial Conversion of Bilbao: from Grey to Vanguardism and Modernity” This project emerged within the Associationism Contest organized by Deusto Business Alumni in collaboration with Bizkaia:talent-Provincial Council of Bizkaia in which 15 students from Deusto Business [...]

BREAKING NEWS! New pan-European pension fund to boost researcher mobility


We are pleased to inform you that mobility of researchers in Europe received a boost yesterday 2nd October with the launch of a consortium that aims to establish a new pan-European pension arrangement. Once put in place, the RESAVER initiative would mean that researchers could move freely [...]

The President of the Provincial Council has delivered the Talentia diplomas to 150 students from the three Basque Universities


JOSÉ LUIS BILBAO: “IN THE MEDIUM TERM, IN BIZKAIA, THERE WILL BE ROOM FOR LOCAL TALENT AND FOR PROFESSIONALS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD” The President of the Provincial Council has delivered the Talentia diplomas to 150 students from the three Basque Universities who have participated in this [...]

Talentum programme. Bizkaia:talent, Mondragon University and Telefonica


The Talentum programme promotes entrepreneurship among young university students in the Basque Country. The Talentum programme will promote eight entrepreneurial projects in the Basque Country, after a selection processes among more than 50 Basque students. The Talentum entrepreneurship support [...]

Bizkaia:talent will participate in Naturejobs Career Expo 2014


bizkaia:talent will participate in the eighth edition of Naturejobs Career Expo representing the Basque organizations which need to hire highly qualified staff. The Naturejobs Career Expo, which will take place in London on 19 September 2014, in the Business Design Centre of London, is the most [...]

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