Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Basque Professional Networking Seminar in London20.09


THE PROVINCIAL COUNCIL WILL BRING TOGETHER 13 BASQUE  ORGANIZATIONS AND COMPANIES AND 84 HIGHLY QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS IN LONDON Bizkaia:talent has organized its eighth Professional Networking Seminar in London, focused on the Automotive and Aeronautical sectors and Information and [...]

BC3, the world’s second most influential Think Tank…


The BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, has been ranked second place in the Climate Think Tank Ranking, ahead of 293 public and private organisations working in the field of climate change economics and policy. BC3 confirms its leadership position in Europe and moves up to second place in [...]

A pan-European pension fund for researchers: RESAVER


We are pleased to inform you that the European Commission has published recently the leaflet “RESAVER – A pan-European pension fund for researchers”. Accompanying the leaflet, there is a letter from theActing Director, Innovation Union and European Research Area, DG RTD, Mr. Peter Dröll. Both [...]

Attending the International Conference at ETH Zurich


Bizkaia:talent has attended the International Conference at ETH Zurich last 5/6 June 2014, where they looked back at 15 years Dual Career Advice at ETH Zurich,discussed mobility, recruiting and dual career issues of researchers with international experts andpresented the major results of the [...]

Bizkaia Talent’s Participation in EURAXESS T.O.P. II


Bizkaia:talent, EURAXESS centre, has taken part as a speaker in the Training Workshop: Commercial Engagement: Increasing EURAXESS’ Profile with private companies, Why matters and How to do it in order to show the European network its experience in approaching Industry in the Basque Country, as [...]



Bizkaia:talent took part for the first time in the BCF CAREER EVENT which was held in Amsterdam on 14 May 2014. It is the most important Scientific Employment Fair in Europe, aimed at specialists in Life Sciences, Chemistry, Food and Pharma. BCF attracts more than 2,000 visitors and offers an [...]



On Saturday 5th April, a group of 33 researchers, professors and their families from: Armenia, Canada, Colombia, England (UK), France, Guatemala, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Palestine, Portugal, Tajikistan, Turkey, USA, Catalonia, Granada,  and even some locals from Bizkaia and [...]

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