Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Application deadline extended for the silver economy programme for the 2022-2023 academic year


The programme will partially finance the masters in silver economics for the 2022-2023 academic year. The total financial allocation for the programme amounts to 124,200 euros, which will be distributed among 23 beneficiary applications. Bizkaia Talent has extended until the 15th November the [...]

Bizkaia Talent participates in the EuroScience Open Forum in the Netherlands city of Leiden


#ESOF2022 The organization has delivered a training session on how to guide the professional careers of research workers beyond the academic world. On the 14th, 15th and 16th July Leiden hosted the 10th edition of the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), a two-yearly pan-European science awareness [...]

Bizkaia Talent publishes the report on the evolution and trends of highly-qualified talent in the Basque Country


Business services agents and software developers are the two occupations with the most job offers advertised in the Basque labour market. Bizkaia Talent has published the Basque Talent Evolution & Trends 2022 report, which covers the evolution and trends of the highly qualified job market [...]

The young talent from the three Basque universities receive their diplomas for the Talentia programmes


Bizkaia Talent has awarded diplomas to the students who have participated in the Talentia, Talentia Skills and Be Basque Ambassadors programmes. On the 24th June Bizkaia Talent organised the diploma awards ceremony at the Engineering School of the University of Bilbao (UPV/EHU) for the 595 [...]

Bizkaia Talent gathers together international professionals and their families to welcome in the summer


The party was held in Bilbao at the BBK Talent Home of the BBK Foundation. On the 17th June Bizkaia Talent brought together a group of international professionals and their families at a party which was organised at the BBK Talent Home, with the aim of welcoming in the summer at an enjoyable [...]

Bizkaia Talent awards four grants at the 10th edition of the Elhuyar Foundation’s Science Fair


Elhuyar The winners of the grants will participate in the Talentia Skills programme of skills for professionalism. From 2 to 5 June, the Arenal of Bilbao hosted the 10th Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka, the science fair of the Elhuyar Foundation, which aims to promote a culture of science among young [...]

The international community visits the Basque BioDesign Center and Karrantza


A group of twenty postgraduates and highly qualified professionals enjoyed their visit to the place where biodesign is the protagonist with a strategic focus aimed on sustainable materials innovation. On the 21st May, users of the Relocation and Be Basque Dual Career Centre service and [...]

Bizkaia Talent presents the new tax measures for professionals coming to work in Bizkaia from a foreign country


It held a webinar with the participation of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, the videoconference provider, where it explained the new tax advantages of the scheme for attracting highly qualified personnel, in force as of 1 January 2022. Bizkaia Talent has recently held a webinar on the [...]

The university students with the greatest potential in Bizkaia help the province’s companies to generate loyalty with respect to talent


The participants of Bizkaia Talent’s Talentia Skills programme – Generation Z youngsters – have tackled the challenge of designing a strategy of talent loyalty generation for cutting-edge companies from Bizkaia in a new edition of Skillathon. For the third consecutive year Bizkaia [...]

Bizkaia Talent, an example to follow in the conference about the integration of highly qualified migrants in the European labour market


The organization participated in the event at which it shared information on good practice and strategy in Bilbao/Bizkaia. On the 2nd May Minor Projektkontor für Bildung und Forschung, promotor of the European Berlin project whose aim is to investigate the situation of European citizens in [...]

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