Bizkaia Talent

Press room

What is Bizkaia Talent?

Is Bizkaia Talent related to other public organisations? How? Why?

How much do i need to pay for Bizkaia Talent’s services?

Is the information given to Bizkaia Talent confidential?

Is Bizkaia Talent a recruitment consultancy?

Is Bizkaia Talent an innovation agency?

Does Bizkaia Talent give financial aid to researchers and professionals?

We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

Be part of the largest highly professional Network connected to Bilbao - Bay of Biscay and the entire Basque Country

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Our partners Our partners BBK BEAZ CICBioGune Universidad de Deusto Tecnalia Idom ITP Sener EHU Iberdrola Mondragon Corporation