The Basque Country unveils the first full map of science & technology infrastructures:

The Basque Government’s Minister for Education, Linguistic Policy and Culture, Cristina Uriarte, together with the Deputy Minister for Universities and Research, Adolfo Morais, and the IKERBASQUE Scientific Director, Fernando Cossío, unveiled the map of the Basque Country science & technology infrastructures.
The map, developed by Ikerbasque and commissioned by the Basque Government’s Ministry of Education, Culture and Linguistic Policy, provides the scientific community for the first time with information on all the science infrastructures of the Basque Country.
The data on over 30 institutions and 127 infrastructures, in which there are 364 facilities, are available to be consulted on the web portal (, It is the result of several months’ work involving all the universities, research centres and technology centres of the Basque Country.
This initiative is aimed at fulfilling two objectives. On the one hand, to foster collaboration between researchers, centres and companies, thus generating a dynamic and multidisciplinary community. And, on the other hand, to showcase capacities internationally, as the map of the science & technology infrastructures is the first tool of this type that provides full information on a country’s science & technology infrastructures.
Any researcher can now save time by avoiding the tedious process of contact different institutions to discover if an infrastructure is available. A simple search is all that is required to establish where an infrastructure is located, who the person in charge is, what the access protocol is, what service are offered or facilities are available, among other aspects.
Furthermore, the information is structured according to the MERIL scheme, the European initiative to map openly accessible research infrastructures. This will allow both tools to be synchronised and provide greater international showcasing of our science & technology capacities.
The portal also provides other useful services for the scientific community. It provides direct access to the job offers on the portal, the agenda of the key scientific events of the different institutions (seminars, scientific dissemination events, technical workshops), and even information on the Euraxess service centres for scientists who come to work in the Basque Country, and it will therefore be a benchmark portal for the Basque scientific community.