Bizkaia:talent organises a seminar about un the “HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH” Logo (EURAXESS RIGHTS)

Bizkaia:talent has organised a seminar to know the importance of the mobility policies, the roles and services of both bizkaia:talent and Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) within the EURAXESS network, and to present the successful practical case of Institute IMDEA Water in implementing the “HR Excellence in Research” Logo (Euraxess Rights).
This meeting was hold in the Library of the Provincial Government of Bizkaia (BFA/DFB), Bilbao, on 4th May 2015. More than 20 agents from the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation network, such as the University of Deusto, The Basque Country University- UPV/EHU, BCAM Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, BCMaterials– Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures, Polymat – Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering, BioCruces Health Research Institute (Osakidetza), CIC energigune, CIC nanoGUNE, CIC bioGUNE, the technology centre TECNALIA.
Ivan Jimenez Aira, bizkaia:talent managing director, introduced the seminar focusing on the importance of the mobility policies and the role of bizkaia:talent through its services and its role within the Euraxess Network.
Noelia Romero, EURAXESS Spain network coordinator, focused her speech in the European projects related to Mobility and the Career Development of Researchers in which FECYT takes part, as well as the different services that the EURAXESS Network offers, putting emphasis on Euraxess Rights.
Juana Sanz, PhD in Environmental Science and R&D coordinator in Institute IDMEA Water, as well as responsible for the implementation of the “HR Excellence in Research” Logo, explained in a detailed and practical way her successful case in her institution, offering very useful tips to the attendees.
The European Commission has undertaken a “Human Resources Strategy for Researchers” as a tool that helps employers and funders put the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers into practice.
The concrete implementation of the Charter & Code by research institutions will render them more attractive to researchers looking for a new employer or for a host for their research project. Funding organisations implementing the Charter & Code principles will contribute to the attractiveness of their national research systems and to the attractiveness of the European Research Area more generally. The logo “HR Excellence in Research” will identify the institutions and organisations as providers and supporters of a stimulating and favourable working environment.