Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Bizkaia talent organises a sociocultural meeting with international high qualified professionals and their families to know the Karrantza Valley


Last Saturday, 21st May, an international group of more than 40 researchers, high qualified professionals and their families from Albania, Cheque Republic, China, Korea, Egypt, France, India, Iran, Japan, Poland, Rumania, USA , as well as Catalonia, Cádiz and Bizkaia met in the astonishing Karrantza Valley.

On the one hand, they visited the Pozalagua Cave, located in the Armañon Natural Park, considered one of the three first caves in the world with eccentric stalactites, and concentrations of helicities. And, on the other hand, they met a shepherd who explained the handy elaboration of the “carranzana” sheep cheese.

After these visits, they enjoyed a meal in a local restaurant of Karrantza. Once more, the aim of the Relocation Service of Bizkaia talent was fulfilled: to foster personal and professional relationships among the international Talent who develop their career in our Territory.

These international professional are working in Basque organisations such as the Technology Centre TECNALIA; BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change, CIC bioGUNE, EGA Master S.A, Deusto Business School, The Basque Country University.



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