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“10 Years of successful operation of the EURAXESS Network. What comes next?


“10 Years of successful operation of the EURAXESS Network. What comes next?
International Event in Athens- Greece. 17th December 2014

Within this framework, an International Event: “10 years of successful operation of the EURAXESS Network. What comes next?” was carried out in Athens the 17th December, attracting around 70 participants from national and European research organisations, academic institutions, representatives from the industrial sector, research funding bodies, Greek diaspora organisations, embassies, media, Ministries, and researchers associations (Marie Curie Fellowes Association-GR, VoR and the Hellenic Association of Researchers).

The aim of the event was to spread the knowledge and experience gained by the EURAXESS Network members and provide with a platform to bring together the EURAXESS Members, the research community and main stakeholders to generate ideas on up-graded EURAXESS portals and services for an open and transparent labor market for researchers for the benefit of Responsible Research and Innovation under HORIZON 2020. It was very much an interactive event and the delegates were asked to share experiences and provide feedback regularly.

The event was structured around the following activities:

• Presentation of the achievements up to now
• Presentation of good practices
• Presentations of testimonials about EURAXESS good quality of services
• Round table discussion between main stakeholders and EURAXESS people
• Discussion among the audience and the Round table panelists
• Collection of the most important suggestions about new services and main stakeholders

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