The scientific world comprises millions of highly-qualified professionals within international projects and research.
On this basis and so as to support and disseminate the professional and academic opportunities offered by this field of employment, Bizkaia Talent collaborates in the organization of the ERA Career Day Bilbao, which will take place on 18, 19 and 20 September at Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao, together with the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country and FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology). Collaborators also include the Society of Spanish Researchers in the Federal Republic of Germany (CERFA) and the Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (CERU).
The event is framed within the project Euraxess Career Day – Euescada which aims at offering as much information as possible to last-year university students and to researchers in Spain who are currently facing career decisions.
Thus, during the SCIENCE+ ERA Career Day there will be information about national and European funding opportunities, professional alternatives to academia, geographical mobility options within the research career, skills and competencies of researchers and how to improve them, etc.
+ Monday, 18th September
08:15 Registration
09:00 Opening
09:30 Session #1. The R&D&I Ecosystem I: Research in academia
Itziar Alkorta, Director of Biofisika Institute – (Centro Mixto CSIC, UPV/EHU)
Virgina Arechavala Gomeza, Senior Researcher at BioCruces
Jakob Suckale, Lecturer at the University of Tübingen
Natalie Matosin, Researcher at MPI Munich
10:50 Coffee break
11:20 Session #2. The R&D&I Ecosystem II: Research in Industry &Technology
Nerea Leal, Cofundadora de Dynakin
Lucas Sanchez, Co-founder of Scienseed
Shane Malo, Researcher at Tecnalia
David Sánchez, Managing Director of MIK
13:00 Lunch break
15:00 Session #3. The R&D&I Ecosystem II: Career opportunities for scientists
Carolina Pola, Director of International Affairs at CNIO
Pepa Limeres, Programme Coordinator, Botín Foundation
Michele Catanzaro, Science Journalist
Carlos García Aparicio, Training Manager at CSIC
16:20 Coffee break
16:45 Keynote speaker: Mark Rogers-Evans. Former Global Head of Sustainability Communications. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
18:00 Workshop: Iñaki Goyeneche, “From PhD to Industry” (How to create and adapt your CV)
18:00. Presentations
18:00 BCAM
+ Tuesday, 19th September
08:30 Registration
09:10 Session #4. The R&D&I Ecosystem III: Funding opportunities for research
Izaskun Lacunza, Head of the International Projects Unit at FECYT
David del Alamo, EMBO Long-term Fellowships Coordinator
Fernando Cossio, Scientific Director of Ikerbasque
Jesús Rojo, NCP Marie Sklodowska–Curie Actions (hay que poner madri+d NCP Acciones Marie S. Curie)
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