Bizkaia Talent

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The President of the Provincial Council has delivered the Talentia diplomas to 150 students from the three Basque Universities



The President of the Provincial Council has delivered the Talentia diplomas to 150 students from the three Basque Universities who have participated in this programme and has informed them about some youth employment promotion measures fostered by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.

  • This year 258 students from the University of the Basque Country, the University of Deusto and the University of Mondragon have participated in this programme.
  • Within the activities of this edition of the programme, the students took part in a conference during which a highly qualified staff recruitment specialist informed them about how to search for employment.
  • The students had the opportunity to make 9 technical visits to multidisciplinary organizations and to the Science and Technology Park of Bizkaia as part of the activities within this programme which was carried out between February and the end of June this year.

The President of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Jose Luis Bilbao, recognized the “effort, the talent and the involvement” of the 258 young students participating in the Talentia programme during the diploma delivery ceremony. “I want to convey a message of confidence this year. There is no doubt that a path full of possibilities opens up before you. You have talent; you have struggled, studied and worked hard. Do not be blinded by the short-term or by alarmist messages. There are real opportunities. No doubt about that. In the medium-term not only there will be room for local talent but we will even have to keep attracting professionals from all over the world” he said during the ceremony attended by 150 young men and women.

Jose Luis Bilbao also underlined that some of the measures that the Provincial Council of Bizkaia has established to promote youth employment, such as the financial aid for hiring people under 30 (this year, the maximum amount has increased for the companies which add Talentia participants to their staff) and also the provincial resources allocated to talent promotion, such as the 1.6 million budget for  Bizkaia:talent to fund all the activities regarding the promotion, identification, support and training of highly qualified people.


The Talentia programme started five years ago and so far it has been attended by 733 final year undergraduate students with the best academic record as well as some other skills identified by the participating universities, which at present are the University of the Basque Country, the University of Deusto and the University of Mondragon.

Talentia enables to gain access to personalized career and professional guidance, attend professional and sectorial meetings, pay technical visits and a visit to the Science and Technology Park of  Bizkaia, as well as participate in employment conferences and workshops which will be very useful for the participants to prepare their professional future, get to know the business and scientific-technical projects of  Bizkaia and approach relevant figures from the Basque business, social and scientific world.

In this edition, the fifth of the programme, the relevant figures who shared their experience with the participating students were Guillermo Dorronsoro, Pedro Luis Uriarte, Juan Jose Ibarretxe and Koldo Saratxaga. And the technical visits were to nine entities: BCAM, Biocruces, Deloitte, EITB, EDE Foundation, Gaiker, Guggenheim Bilbao, Idom, ITP, K2K, Lamiako Eskola, Lancor, Lauaxeta Ikastola, LKS-Group, La Alhondiga and Technalia Research & Innovation.

This year there was also a conference called  “Hazte valer” (Assert Yourself) in which a highly qualified staff recruitment specialist spoke to the Talentia participants about how to deal with the search for employment and job interviews  and what attitudes and skills are sought by the organizations. Moreover, a joint employment workshop was carried out by the three Universities, the Department of Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Beaz and Bizkaia:talent.

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