Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The Competencies Programme hosts the Workshops on Career Opportunities conducted by the collaborating Professional Associations 


On 11 November, three workshops were held within the Competencies for Professionalism in Bizkaia programme aimed at second year students from the participating Basque universities. The attendants received guidance on professional deontology and on employment opportunities in the current labour market.

The workshops were conducted by the Official Professional Associations which collaborate in this programme: the Basque Professional Association of Economists, the Professional Association of Civil Engineers and the Professional Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of the Basque Country.

In the second edition of this pioneering programme at the international level, each Official Association supports and accompanies one specific University. Thus, the Basque Professional Association of Economists conducted the workshop aimed at participants from the University of Deusto, the Professional Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers conducted the workshop aimed at students from the University of the Basque Country and the Professional Association of Civil Engineers conducted the workshop aimed at students from Mondragon University.

The workshop conducted by the Basque Professional Association of Economists was held in their headquarters in Bilbao, the Professional Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers held the workshop in the headquarters of the Bioscience, Nanomaterials and Clean Tech Business Incubator, situated in the Technology Park of Bizkaia, Edificio Kabi-612, and the Professional Association of Civil Engineers held the workshop in their headquarters in Bilbao.



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