Headhunting Support Centre (HSC) is a digital tool designed for human resources professionals in Basque organisations. It aims to help in the recruitment strategy, not only to obtain highly qualified talent that best suits their needs but also to streamline processes, optimise resources and provide assistance in career development plans.
If you are a representative of a Basque organisation you will:
- Have access to a professional profile search engine that analyses in milliseconds thousands of profiles by specific words and/or classifying them by multiple characteristics.
- See the job positions most in demand in the labour market, the transversal and technical skills required, as well as the evolution of these skills over time.
- Help professionals in the development of their career plan.
- Analyse the trends in the needs of professionals in the Basque labour market with multiple combinations by sector and educational area.
- Have access to detailed information on tax exemptions in the Basque Country for hiring highly qualified profiles coming from abroad.
- Benefit from the automatic matching system that automatically links up your job offers with the best candidates.
- Have access to a specific section on salaries where you will be able to consult the average gross and net salaries in the Basque labour market, as well as comparing it with other cities and countries.
- Be able to compare the quality of life in the Basque Country with other countries and/or regions of the European Union (EU) and with the regions of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.