Bizkaia Talent

We offer

We offer

Financial Aid Programmes

Bizkaia Talent manages financial aid and grants programmes in strategic areas of Bizkaia, aimed at highly qualified people.

With the aim of promoting recruitment, training, knowledge and skills development at the highest level in the strategic sectors of Bizkaia, we have allocated more than 8.5 million euros to our financial aid and grants programmes to support more than 270 talented people, helping Bizkaia to have professionals who can respond to the present and future challenges that the territory must face, mainly in the fields of automotive, biosciences, aeronautics, creativity and innovation, energy transition, telecommunications, silver economy, big data and capital goods.

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We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

Be part of the largest highly professional Network connected to Bilbao - Bay of Biscay and the entire Basque Country

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Our partners Our partners BBK BEAZ CICBioGune Universidad de Deusto Tecnalia Idom ITP Sener EHU Iberdrola Mondragon Corporation