1. Linguistic Pluralism in the Basque Country
The Basque Country has 2 official languages: Basque and Spanish.
The Official Schools of Languages, and the University of the Basque Country, the University of Deusto, and the Distance University UNED, as well as many private academies, offer the opportunity to study and obtain qualifications in Spanish, Basque and other languages.
2. Learning Spanish
Below is a list of the most important organisations where you can learn Spanish and/or Basque, as well as other languages.
Instituto Cervantes
The Instituto Cervantes is a public institution for the promotion and teaching of the Spanish language and for the dissemination of the Spanish and Hispano-American culture.
The Institute also offers online Spanish courses.
In the Basque Country there are four accredited centres:
C/ Bailén, 5
48003 Bilbao
Tel.: +34 94 416 79 01
C/ San Martín, 50
20007 San Sebastian
Tel.: +34 943 45 29 81
Camino de Mundáiz, 8
20012 San Sebastian
Tel.: +34 943 32 66 80
C/ Pasajes, 4
20013 San Sebastian
Tel.: +34 943 32 67 05
DELE Official Instituto Cervantes Test Center (Instituto Cervantes)
CIDE (International Spanish Center) of the University of Deusto
3. Learning Basque
Helduen Alfabetatze eta Berreuskalduntzerako Erakundea – HABE
The fundamental objective of HABE (Basque Literacy and Basque Language Learning Institute for Adults) is to encourage literacy and the use of the Basque language among adults.
An Euskaltegi is an adult centre where the Basque language is taught. In terms of their legal status, there are both public and private euskaltegis in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. The public euskaltegis (Udal euskaltegiak) are run by the municipalities. Many of the private euskaltegis have come together to form federations (AEK, Elkarlan, Batuz, IKA), although there are some that are not in federations, such as Bai&by o Mondragon Lingua.
For further information click here
In addition to the euskaltegis there are other centres where you can learn the Basque Language:
Other resources
In the portal for people learning the Basque language, Ikasbil, there are videos, audio clips and texts which will help you with your learning.
Financial grants
At HABE you can obtain financial support for learning the Basque language. You can also check with your local council to see whether they offer grants for courses.
4. Other languages and Centres
- The Official School of Languages (EOI) is a public centre for the official Spanish languages and foreign languages.
- CUID-UNED (Distance Learning University Language Centre)
- British Council Bilbao
- Chamber of Commerce Language Centre
- Directory of language academies