Bizkaia Talent

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Visit organized by bizkaia:talent to the cellar txakoli Butroi of foreign researchers and professionals working in the Basque Country within their social integration activities talent


Last  Saturday 18th April, 27 professionals (researchers, professors) and their families from Australia, Germany, Guatemala, Italy, India, Iran, Japan, Portugal, Sweden, USA,  Spain and even some locals enjoyed a typical Spring day in  Gatika.

In this occasion, they visited the familiar and friendly Bodega BUTROI, txakoli winery, created three experienced txakoli wineries (Sasines from Larrabetzu, Oletxe from Zamudio and Etxebarria from Gatika) and for families. The group enjoyed this enology experience thanks to the partners’ explanations. They visited the wine cellar, the bottling plant, and the area of wine-tasting. Not only was an enology experience but also a chance of interacting members of the four families with the researchers and their relatives. Afterwards, they tasted traditional products and made a barbecue meanwhile all of them chatted. They also saw fruit trees and cider production.

After these 2hour and a half activity, the participants had lunch in Motabarri restaurant (Akarlanda).

These professionals are working and researching in Basque organisations such as the Technology Centre  TECNALIA; BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change, Ingeteam, CIC bioGUNE, CIC nanoGUNE, Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia.

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