Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The Study Tours within the Talentia Programme get under way


During the second half of April and the month of May, study tours will be conducted at well-known Bizkaian organizations including Biocruces; Ede Fundazioa; Euskal Irratia Telebista (EiTB); Gaiker – IK4; Guggenheim Bilbao; Idom; Lamiako Eskola; Lancor (Ner Group); Lauxeta Ikastola; LKS Group; Tecnalia Research & Innovation; and B+I Strategy.

The purpose of these tours is to give the Talentia Programme participants direct experience within a work context at a well-known Basque organization. This initiative has been ongoing since the first years of the Talentia Programme, and has had a very high sign-up rate amongst the participants. By attending these leading-edge centres – normally connected with their sectors of work, which previously they’ve been allowed to choose – they can talk over their questions with professionals and managers within the organization and receive full answers.

Likewise, all participants will have an opportunity to do various training workshops – including Entrepreneurship with BEAZ, which was a great hit when it was held for the first time last year. This workshop is a basic introduction to the world of the entrepreneur, giving the Talentia Programme participants an overview of this challenging and at the same time thrilling journey.

The Seventh Talentia Programme will include a re-run of the successful Internationalization Workshop which, for the first time, will be conducted jointly with the participants in the pioneering Skills for Professionalism in Bizkaia Programme.

It will also feature the Professionalism Workshop, together with Bilbao Metrópoli-30, to show what being professional really means for the rising generations.



The Talentia Programme participants will form part of the TALENTIA NETWORK. Its membership currently stands at over 1,000 people who have taken part in this Programme in previous years. Likewise, you’ll be able to attend the various meetings which will be held to build and consolidate co-working networks, in addition to making contact with many other professionals.


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