Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017


It seems like only yesterday when we started the year 2016 and in fact we are about to bid it farewell.

Therefore, like every year, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for the trust you have placed in bizkaia talent and more specifically in all the programmes and services the organization is developing in order to attract, retain and link talents like you to Bizkaia – Basque Country.

It is an exciting and brilliant task on which we work every day and which would not be possible without your participation and interest.

With every passing year we become more and more aware of how important it is for a country like ours to have highly-qualified people who can implement and collaborate with pioneering and innovative projects at the global level and this certainly encourages us to keep devising and presenting new initiatives.

Through these lines we would like to tell you how grateful we are as a team for your personal and professional contribution to the exciting task we are carrying out from bizkaia talent.

We take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and to remind you that we are at your disposal to help you in any way we can.
Yours faithfully,
bizkaia talent

We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

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