Bizkaia Talent


Ivan Jimenez, director of bizkaia:talent, participates in the Meeting for Talent and Employment


Ivan Jimenez, director of bizkaia:talent, participated as an expert in the “Meeting for Talent and Employment” organized by ESIC Business & Marketing School and the Chamber of Commerce of Bilbao which took place last 8 June in the Auditorium of Ria de Bilbao Maritime Museum. The meeting was attended by more than 140 people interested in finding out what opportunities they have in the current market and what professional profiles and personal skills are being demanded.

The economic recovery and the need for change of the companies bring about employment opportunities. Organizations are seeking qualified and, above all, motivated people to take the lead, that is, people with talent.

Thus, in spite of the employment and social situation in recent years, «talent is still a scarce resource» as Santiago Lopez, director of the University College of the Chamber of Commerce, pointed out.

Opportunities on the way

Ivan Jimenez showed the “picture” of the labour market and some forecasts which point in a positive direction for highly-qualified people. According to the data he presented, in 2020 more than 400 out of every 1000 jobs will be held by people with university degrees. «There will be plenty of opportunities for highly-qualified people», he underlined. Will fewer people go away? Will more people come? «Talent is intelligent and moves where there are opportunities», he assured. But he also warned that the lack of generational replacement will be a problem once employment starts to be generated. «We will have to import talent», he said. As for going away, he admitted that «fewer people are leaving than before, but those who are doing so are going farther».

But, ¿how and where can companies find that talent? Francisco Javier Gonzalez Galan, expert in Social Intelligence, Life Coach and Consultant for ESIC Business & Marketing School, offered some guidelines to be identified in the market by showing what the most demanded people do.

Encuentro para el Talento y el Empleo 08-06-2015-11

Emotional account

Gonzalez Galan recommended promoting human relationships and having an «emotional bank account» generated through a positive attitude which enables to have «credit balance» at a job interview or in work contacts. «You must set yourselves some goals with regard to employment, which is something that very few people do», he warned. And you must be able to visualize those goals: «goals are to be written on cement and strategies on sand».

Focus on improving the strengths and not on correcting the weaknesses, seek differentiation, seek opportunities where there are not usually any, become an expert in a subject or a person able to solve problems for the company were also some of the tools with which he rallied the public. «Turn uncertainty into an incentive», he recommended. Try to «make a grand entrance» into the company and look for a new job when you are at the peak, were some of the other guidelines offered by Francisco Javier Gonzalez Galan.

Enthusiasm, attitude, sound judgment and perseverance are the keys to professional happiness, according to David Martinez, director general and partner of Impronta, a human resources consulting firm. «You must be enthusiastic about doing things well and must transmit that enthusiasm at job interviews », he explained. When selecting people, qualifications or languages are not so important because they are taken for granted. Companies seek professionals with «attitude, enthusiasm and values», with analytical skills, flexibility and openness to diversity. «You must seduce with the five senses», he said.

When looking for employment, David Martinez advised to take time, reflect and choose the offer which allows you to enjoy the work. «That’s how you will hit the target», he added.

Enthusiasm and new blood

The practical example of what companies are seeking was provided by Eroski and Saunier Duval. Ainara Llona, selection manager of the Basque cooperative, assured that their aim is «not losing the talent of those who are interested in working with us and are enthusiastic». To this end they have ‘talent grants’ which facilitate promotion within the company. They are committed to «creating value in the local economies» by providing jobs to the group known as the ‘ninis’ (neither studying nor working).

Gorka Baraño, director of Saunier Duval Spain, reminded that the changes that the companies have had to undergo due to the technology, the changing markets and the new ways of working of the Millennials make it necessary to update the old structures. «We must be able to generate a model where employees have scope for creation», he admitted. Thus, in their selection process they try to «identify talent and give opportunities» for it to lead the change. They look for people «with potential for relationships, entrepreneurship and passion» who help them turn the current hierarchical structure into an organization networking in more innovative projects.

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