The Basque Country presents itself in Germany as an attractive territory to invest and strengthen business lin

Tapia: “Self-government and taxation, together with industrial and innovation policies, are our competitiveness factors”. The Regional Minister has guaranteed the capacity of the Basque business network and presents it as the “hidden champion” of Europe. The German Association for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, BVMW, recognizes their interest in strengthening relations with Basque companies.
The BMW office building in Berlin was the venue of the Session Basque Country, a Hidden Champion and destination for innovative companies, where the Regional Minister for Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government, Arantxa Tapia, presented a Basque Country “with its doors open to companies”.
The Session was organized by BVMW, the German Association for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, with the collaboration of Spri’s office in Munich, to present the Basque Country as an advanced industrial territory and a perfect destination for German businesses.
Tapia presented a country with an innovative potential ready to welcome foreign investment and with a business network able to supply high added value products and services to German companies. “The Basque Country and its business network are the hidden champion of Europe” she said.
The Basque Country, a “hidden champion” in Europe
It must be said that the economic relations between the Basque Country and Germany are already some way along, but there is certainly room for improvement and furtherance. For decades we have taken technology and innovation very seriously and we are working, in collaboration with Germany, on the implementation of Industry 4.0.
The Basque Country appears as a “hidden champion”, with self-government as one of its specific features and the immense potential of its business network which, within a commitment to local production and decision-making, aims at expanding into new markets as well as new international allies.